
Meet our New Producer: FUNJ

Our Farm Direct product list just got a lot more fun(gi). Meet our newest producer: FUNJ. Shrooming Company! This Burlington-based urban organic mushroom farm provides Vermonters with delicious and sustainably cultivated mushrooms. FUNJ represents exploration into the [...]

Meet our New Producer: FUNJ2025-02-20T18:36:35+00:00

Meet our New Producer: Deep Meadow Farm

Deep Meadow Farm is a Certified Organic farm dedicated to providing natural produce and herbs direct to consumers. The farm offers a unique system for providing fresh and diverse produce throughout the growing season, offering more choices [...]

Meet our New Producer: Deep Meadow Farm2025-02-20T18:35:06+00:00

GMFTS Meets with Farmers and Stakeholders to discuss Food System Resilience

In our ongoing efforts to develop a more effective response plan to severe weather events, Green Mountain Farm Direct attended a focus group for Northeast Kingdom Farm Resilience. NOFA-VT is hosting a series of meetings in the [...]

GMFTS Meets with Farmers and Stakeholders to discuss Food System Resilience2025-02-20T18:31:02+00:00

New Warehouse Brings Opportunities for Farm Direct

Photo caption: Left to right - Meryl Friets (Logistics Manager, Farm Connex), Meggie Patton (Food Hub Logistics Manager, GMFTS), Hilary Rosa (Food Access and Logistics Coordinator, GMFTS), Yarrow Fought (Food Hub Operations Manager, Farm Connex), Becca Perrin [...]

New Warehouse Brings Opportunities for Farm Direct2025-02-21T21:09:16+00:00

Students Explore Abenaki Culture through Experiential Learning

Photo caption: A Craftsbury 3rd grader plays a traditional Abenaki winter game, “Snow Snake”. Winter is the season for Farm-to-School field trips to the Nulhegan Cultural Center in Holland, VT! Students, parents, and staff have enjoyed visiting [...]

Students Explore Abenaki Culture through Experiential Learning2025-02-20T18:31:22+00:00

Celebrating Harvest of the Month

Pictured: Irasburg 3rd graders prepare sweet potato gnocchi for their school’s December HOM Taste Test, highlighting sweet potato.Each month, our AmeriCorps Farm-to-School Coordinators collaborate with our member schools to cook something with students in celebration of the [...]

Celebrating Harvest of the Month2025-02-21T20:45:45+00:00

AmeriCorps Team Attend NOFA Winter Conference

Photo caption: Left to right - Ciara Konhaus (former GMFTS Farm-to-School Coordinator, now at Salvation Farms) alongside Marlow Saucier, Lily Riesett, Olivia Anderson, and Courtney Fortunato (current GMFTS Farm-to-School Coordinators)On February 15th, our four Americorps Farm-To-School Coordinators [...]

AmeriCorps Team Attend NOFA Winter Conference2025-02-20T18:19:59+00:00

Troy Community Action Cooking Program

Pictured: Students chop peppers for a chili recipe. In January, we brought our cooking program to Troy School, where students participating in the Revitalizing Troy Teen Committee have been feeding their community. Each week, a group of [...]

Troy Community Action Cooking Program2025-02-21T21:44:31+00:00

Winter Break Backpacks

This school year, end-of-year holiday breaks lasted two weeks, meaning an extended time away from the school meals that many children rely on. Our Food Access Coordinator, Hilary Rosa, worked with local holiday meal and backpack programs [...]

Winter Break Backpacks2025-02-20T18:12:06+00:00

Valentine’s Day Workshop

Pictured: Children learn to prepare ingredients This Valentine’s Day week, we teamed up with the Vermont Department of Health’s WIC program to host a fun and informative food workshop at the Barton Public Library. Participants learned how [...]

Valentine’s Day Workshop2025-02-21T20:40:46+00:00

Farm-to-School Advocacy at the Statehouse

Photo caption: Left to right - Elyse Perambo (Farm-to-School Program Manager, GMFTS), Leanne Harple (Orleans County Rep), and Becca Perrin (Food Hub Account Manager, GMFTS)On February 12th, our Farm-to-School Program Manager, Elyse Perambo, and our Food Hub [...]

Farm-to-School Advocacy at the Statehouse2025-02-20T18:02:57+00:00

Holy Cow! 5 Ways to Support Local Dairy Producers

By Emma Palumbo, GMFTS InternVermont’s dairy industry, once a cornerstone of the state’s agricultural heritage, has seen a sharp decline since its peak. In 1950, there were about 11,000 dairy farms in operation throughout the state (Seven [...]

Holy Cow! 5 Ways to Support Local Dairy Producers2024-07-30T19:12:12+00:00

Vermont Way Foods Progress

Pictured: Our own “Vermont delegation” from the Organic Trade Association with Representative Becca Balint By Catherine Cusack, GMFTS Executive Director Vermont Way Foods™ LLC (VWF) has had a busy year! Thanks to the leadership of Matt Landi, [...]

Vermont Way Foods Progress2024-07-30T18:57:02+00:00

Making the Most of Summer’s Bounty

By Arlene Shannon Whether you have a garden, belong to a CSA, or are the lucky recipient of a shared summer bounty, it’s sometimes challenging to use all of the produce before it spoils. Here are some [...]

Making the Most of Summer’s Bounty2024-08-06T18:11:33+00:00

Youth Leadership in Farm-to-School

Pictured: Clohee Daniel-Fleury, a 10th grader in the Animal Sciences program at North Country Career Center, led the youth summit’s Dairy Emma Palumbo, GMFTS Intern GMFTS Farm-to-School Program Manager, Elyse Perambo, co-leads the VT Farm to [...]

Youth Leadership in Farm-to-School2024-07-30T19:18:28+00:00

Feeding Our Communities & Mitigating Food Waste

This past year, GMFTS has partnered with Salvation Farms to promote greater access to fresh, locally grown food. This partnership has enhanced our Market Basket table, which provides free produce to all Lunchbox program visitors. As of [...]

Feeding Our Communities & Mitigating Food Waste2024-07-29T15:36:21+00:00

5 Great Gluten-Free Options Available through Farm Direct

By Nadiya BeCoats, GMFTS InternWithin the last year, I learned that I have a gluten intolerance that makes me extremely sick. So, over the past seven months, I’ve spent a lot of time shifting and curating my [...]

5 Great Gluten-Free Options Available through Farm Direct2024-07-31T13:57:43+00:00

Meet Sweet Mountain Chocolate

By Rose Lovett, GMFTS Development ManagerRustic and a little unconventional, Sweet Mountain Chocolate LLC uses local Vermont ingredients for a truly tasty treat. Rather than make a traditional bar, the Westfield-based chocolatier, Jennifer Grace, creates yummy chocolate [...]

Meet Sweet Mountain Chocolate2024-07-23T20:23:44+00:00

Serena Higgerson: Reflections on a Year of Service

A favorite moment from your year of service: One of my favorite days of service was taking a Kindergarten class on a field trip to Tinker's Green Farm in Newport. It was the definition of a joyful, [...]

Serena Higgerson: Reflections on a Year of Service2024-07-12T19:27:24+00:00

Morgan Wright: Reflections on a Year of Service

A favorite moment from your year of service: One of my favorite moments was watching the kids harvest their fruits and vegetables in the fall, and being able to see how proud they were knowing they planted [...]

Morgan Wright: Reflections on a Year of Service2024-07-12T19:44:06+00:00

Ben Leskey: Reflections on Two Years of Service

A favorite moment from your year(s) of service: Every Thursday for the past two years, I’ve gone to the same elementary school to facilitate an afterschool program. We made tons of memories playing farm-to-school games and doing [...]

Ben Leskey: Reflections on Two Years of Service2024-07-12T19:11:36+00:00

Grace Rooks: Reflections on a Year of Service

A favorite moment from your year of service: A favorite moment of my year of service would have to be a series of moments from early September, when we helped to host Harvest Festivals at all four [...]

Grace Rooks: Reflections on a Year of Service2024-07-12T19:34:09+00:00

Local Food For Schools

(Pictured Above: Salad bar at North Country High School featuring Watermelon radishes from Deep Root Organic, mixed beets and shoots from Pete’s Greens, and Hood cottage cheese.) By Hilary RosaThe Local Food for Schools Program (LFS), launched [...]

Local Food For Schools2024-06-28T14:17:18+00:00

The Whole Apple

By Arlene Shannon When fall arrives, we turn to familiar, reliable foods such as apples, pumpkins, root vegetables, and squash. This year was a tough one for apple growers in the Northeast. A hard frost in May [...]

The Whole Apple2023-10-24T20:46:03+00:00

5 Reasons to Eat Local

By Emma Trainor1. Support Farmers and Your Local Economy Large scale farms from out-of-state and industrial agriculture account for a significant percentage of Vermonters’ total food consumption. According to Ellen Kahler, the Executive Director of the Vermont [...]

5 Reasons to Eat Local2024-06-28T14:19:47+00:00

Reliable Radishes

By Arlene ShannonRadishes are a friend to both the gardener and the garden. Many of us know radishes as only a spicy and colorful addition to a salad, but there are different types, many ways to use [...]

Reliable Radishes2023-07-17T14:57:32+00:00

Waste Not, Want Not – Tips to Reduce Food Waste

By Rose LovettFruits In and Out of the Fridge What fruits go in the fridge and what ones are best left outside the fridge? Apples and citrus fruits all do best in your fridge’s fruit crisper drawer. [...]

Waste Not, Want Not – Tips to Reduce Food Waste2024-06-28T14:20:37+00:00

Meet the Farmers: Berry Creek Farm

By Rose LovettBerry Creek Farm is a 158-acre organic farm located in Westfield, VT. For the past 31 years, Gerard and Rosemary Croizet have run the farm together. They sell their fruits, vegetables, flowers and more, as [...]

Meet the Farmers: Berry Creek Farm2024-06-28T14:22:14+00:00

Meet the Farmers: Blue Ledge Farm

By Rose LovettBlue Ledge Farm is a first generation, family owned goat dairy and cheese-making operation on 150 acres in Sallsbury, VT. For 23 years, Greg Bernhardt and Hannah Sessions have run and developed the farm together. [...]

Meet the Farmers: Blue Ledge Farm2024-06-28T14:22:40+00:00

Central Vermont Supervisory Union Awarded Local Food Purchasing Incentive Grant

Food Service Director Bob Hildebrand holds local spinach (a Harvest of the Month product) grown at Joe’s Brook Farm and sourced through Green Mountain Farm Direct. June 13th, 2023 Green Mountain Farm-to-School Contact: Becca Perrin Food Hub [...]

Central Vermont Supervisory Union Awarded Local Food Purchasing Incentive Grant2023-06-28T22:34:49+00:00

10 Benefits of Gardening on Well-being

By Emma Trainor Immune System Boost Did you know that skin- to-soil contact actually helps boost the functioning of your immune system? It turns out that getting “dirty” is a great way to increase the body's [...]

10 Benefits of Gardening on Well-being2023-07-17T15:04:37+00:00

School Meals and Local Food for All Students

Universal School Meals Program By Becca Perrin What is it? The Universal School Meals Program was enacted at the start of the pandemic and supported through federal funding. That funding ran out last year and lawmakers extended [...]

School Meals and Local Food for All Students2024-06-28T14:23:34+00:00

Mapple Merriment

By Rose LovettThis maple season, students in our Farm-to-School programs had lots of fun learning about maple sugaring and incorporating local syrup into recipes they prepared in the classroom. Many also attended field trips to local maple [...]

Mapple Merriment2024-06-28T14:24:13+00:00

Chef, Farmer & Food Producer Networking Event with VT Fresh Network

March 13th, 2023We had a great time at the NEK Chef, Farmer & Food Producer Networking Event that we organized in collaboration with Vermont Fresh Network (VFN). More than 40 people turned up to enjoy beer, pizza, [...]

Chef, Farmer & Food Producer Networking Event with VT Fresh Network2023-03-14T21:35:07+00:00

Piecing Together VT Agricultural History

By Rose LovettHow has Vermont agriculture changed and remained the same over time? How has agriculture changed the landscape of Vermont? Who has changed agriculture and the landscape? These are the guiding questions in our Farm-to-School "VT [...]

Piecing Together VT Agricultural History2024-06-28T14:25:13+00:00

Butterworks Farm Field Trip

By Emma TrainorFebruary 16th, 2023 3rd and 5th graders from Irasburg Village School took a field trip to Butterworks Farm in Westfield, VT to learn about how yogurt is made and what the process of running a [...]

Butterworks Farm Field Trip2024-06-28T14:26:08+00:00

Food Sovereignty Q & A with Food Access Coordinator, Meggie Patton

By Rose Lovett and Meggie PattonWhat is food sovereignty? "According to the International Movement on Food Sovereignty, the term food sovereignty means 'the right of peoples to healthy and culturally-appropriate food produced through ecologically sound and sustainable [...]

Food Sovereignty Q & A with Food Access Coordinator, Meggie Patton2024-06-28T14:27:30+00:00

2022 Fall Farm Field Trips

Farm Field Trips offer a unique opportunity for both students and farmers to build connections in the Northeast Kingdom. Students have a chance to get out of the classroom and into nature, while learning about where their [...]

2022 Fall Farm Field Trips2023-02-13T21:49:47+00:00

Vermont Way Foods Goes to Market

GMFTS is a founding member of Vermont Way Foods (VWF), a collaboration that began in 2020 in an effort to expand market access for Vermont farmers and producers. VWF's launch of a certified organic (VOF) produce line [...]

Vermont Way Foods Goes to Market2023-02-15T16:01:10+00:00

Farm Partner Spotlight: Creek Valley Farm

Located in Irasburg, Creek Valley Farm is in its third year of business. The farm is owned and operated by Lorinda Campbell, Charleen Miles and Mel Tyree. The farm’s small herd of Jersey cows are rotationally grazed. [...]

Farm Partner Spotlight: Creek Valley Farm2023-02-15T20:59:23+00:00

Farm Partner Spotlight: Sweet Rowen Farmstead

Started by Paul Lisai in 2012, Sweet Rowen Farmstead is a family owned and operated dairy farm located in West Glover, VT. The Sweet Rowen mission is to "maintain a working landscape that provides families with fresh [...]

Farm Partner Spotlight: Sweet Rowen Farmstead2023-03-29T19:46:56+00:00

Charleston Students Learn About Seed Starting with a New Grow Lab 

Last year, a GMFTS AmeriCorps member applied for a Seed Grant from New England Grassroots Environment Fund and successfully secured funding to help Charleston Elementary School purchase a Grow Lab, garden supplies, and materials for a new [...]

Charleston Students Learn About Seed Starting with a New Grow Lab 2023-02-15T16:27:46+00:00

Going on Now! How Do You Get Your Garden On? CONTEST!

Join Green Mountain Farm-to School on Social Media! Take a photo or short video of your garden! Tell us how you celebrate VT’s agricultural heritage! Tag us (Green Mountain Farm-to-School) in your post or post right onto [...]

Going on Now! How Do You Get Your Garden On? CONTEST!2022-07-11T21:24:57+00:00

Vermont Everyone Eats Continues Through April 1, 2022

NEWPORT, VT Green Mountain Farm-to-School Contact: Alida Farrell,, (802) 334-2044 January 3, 2022 Vermont Everyone Eats Continues Through April 1, 2022 Vermont Everyone Eats (VEE), the innovative COVID-19 response program that provides meal assistance to Vermonters [...]

Vermont Everyone Eats Continues Through April 1, 20222022-01-19T20:22:43+00:00

Fall 2021 Newsletter

Click here to read our Fall newsletter:

Fall 2021 Newsletter2022-01-19T20:20:35+00:00

Matt Landi Named Director of Brand and Business Development for Vermont Way Foods™

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Matt Landi, Director of Brand and Business Development, Vermont Way Foods™ or Catherine Cusack, Communications Committee Chair, Vermont Food Hub Collaborative L3C Phone: (831) 818-0179 (Matt) (802) 334-2044 (Catherine) Email: Matt Landi [...]

Matt Landi Named Director of Brand and Business Development for Vermont Way Foods™2022-01-19T20:17:36+00:00

Spring 2021 Newsletter

Read our Spring Newsletter here:

Spring 2021 Newsletter2022-01-19T20:13:04+00:00

Vermont Everyone Eats, One Million Meals Served

CONTACTS Alida Farrell Consumer Education and Food Access Coordinator Green Mountain Farm to School Meghan Wayland Food Access Coordinator The Center for an Agricultural Economy Everyone Eats, one million meals served On Thursday, April 29, [...]

Vermont Everyone Eats, One Million Meals Served2022-01-19T20:10:19+00:00

GMFTS Delivering Free Meals to Migrant Farm Workers in the NEK through Vermont Everyone Eats

Green Mountain Farm-to-School Delivering Free Meals to Migrant Farm Workers in the NEK through Vermont Everyone EatsNEWPORT, VTContact: Alida Farrell, Local Food Access Coordinatorafarrell@gmfts.orgMarch 22, 2021In an effort to reach some of the most important yet underserved [...]

GMFTS Delivering Free Meals to Migrant Farm Workers in the NEK through Vermont Everyone Eats2021-03-24T14:40:28+00:00

Green Mountain Farm Direct Hits Record Sales Week, Distributes More Local Food to NEK Communities

NEWPORT, VTContact: Amrita Parry, Food Hub Accounts ManagerGreen Mountain (802) 334-2044   Green Mountain Farm Direct Hits Record Sales Week, Distributes More Local Food to NEK Communities Green Mountain Farm-to-School (GMFTS) is a small nonprofit based out of [...]

Green Mountain Farm Direct Hits Record Sales Week, Distributes More Local Food to NEK Communities2021-01-08T17:29:15+00:00

GMFTS Receives New Grants from the Vermont Community Foundation to Increase Capacity, Address Food Insecurity in the NEK

Alida Farrell, GMFTS’s new Local Food Access Coordinator, pictured with bags of food prepared at the Orleans Federated Church Community Food Shelf. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEWPORT, VT Contact: Jessica Weston,  Communications and Development Coordinator Green Mountain Farm-to-School [...]

GMFTS Receives New Grants from the Vermont Community Foundation to Increase Capacity, Address Food Insecurity in the NEK2020-12-17T22:45:10+00:00

Teaching Garden-Based Education on Abenaki Land

By Esmé Forbes, AmeriCorps Farm to School Coordinaor Map of Abenaki Tribes in the NortheastSource: Green Mountain Farm-to-Schools programs operate throughout the Northeast Kingdom. This is the ancestral and current homeland of the Nulhegan Band of [...]

Teaching Garden-Based Education on Abenaki Land2020-12-07T18:03:02+00:00

Dismantling the Thanksgiving Myth with Kids

By Esmé Forbes, AmeriCorps Farm to School Coordinator Visual depiction of the Haudenosaunee Thanksgiving Address (Ohen:ton Karihwatehkwen) - Greetings to the Natural World by Erwin Printup, Jr. The illustration is from the book, Giving Thanks: A Native American [...]

Dismantling the Thanksgiving Myth with Kids2020-11-23T19:14:43+00:00

Green Mountain Farm-to-School Delivers Free Meals for Vermont Everyone Eats

Green Mountain Farm-to-School (GMFTS) has partnered with the new Vermont Everyone Eats program to distribute prepared meals to people negatively impacted by the pandemic. GMFTS is delivering 350 meals per week in the NEK. The program reimburses [...]

Green Mountain Farm-to-School Delivers Free Meals for Vermont Everyone Eats2020-11-05T16:48:54+00:00

GMFTS is The White Market’s “Coins for Community” Partner during October

Big news! Green Mountain Farm-to-School (GMFTS) has partnered with the White Market for their Coins for Community program which allows customers to donate to a rotating local nonprofit organization each month.  For the entire month of October, [...]

GMFTS is The White Market’s “Coins for Community” Partner during October2020-10-15T14:33:07+00:00

Farm to School is Enhancing the Outdoor Classroom in Northeast Kingdom Schools

NEWPORT, VT Contact: Maire Folan, (802) 334-2044 September 21, 2020 Green Mountain Farm-to-School (GMFTS) is working with 15 schools in the Northeast Kingdom to provide meaningful STEM learning opportunities in the outdoors this school year. “Outdoor [...]

Farm to School is Enhancing the Outdoor Classroom in Northeast Kingdom Schools2020-10-15T14:33:30+00:00

GMFTS Hosts Free Local Food Distribution Event with NEKCA in Canaan

NEWPORT, VTContact: Jessica Weston,, (802) 334-2044September 16, 2020Green Mountain Farm-to-School (GMFTS), a small nonprofit based out of Newport, VT, has been working to fight ongoing COVID-19 related food insecurity while contributing to local economic recovery by [...]

GMFTS Hosts Free Local Food Distribution Event with NEKCA in Canaan2020-10-15T14:34:12+00:00

Green Mountain Farm-to-School Launches New Initiatives to Fight COVID-19 Food Insecurity in the Northeast Kingdom

NEWPORT, VTContact: Jessica Weston,, (802) 334-2044July 20, 2020 Green Mountain Farm-to-School (GMFTS), a small nonprofit organization seeks to mitigate COVID-related food insecurity and promote the use of local food in the Northeast Kingdom through various new [...]

Green Mountain Farm-to-School Launches New Initiatives to Fight COVID-19 Food Insecurity in the Northeast Kingdom2020-10-15T14:34:48+00:00

The Market Basket Returns to Provide Free, Local Produce to the Community

In an effort to get more local food out to our community and to reduce waste in school gardens, GMFTS is expanding the Lunchbox’s “Market Basket” program for 2020. After a successful pilot year in 2019, Green [...]

The Market Basket Returns to Provide Free, Local Produce to the Community2020-07-14T18:52:20+00:00

The Lunchbox Returns with Free Summer Meal Service for Children

The Lunchbox, a mobile food truck and free meal service, is on back on the road after a long winter hibernation! Starting June 17th, the Lunchbox will be serving 9 weeks of free meals to kids 18 [...]

The Lunchbox Returns with Free Summer Meal Service for Children2020-06-10T17:51:28+00:00

Green Mountain Farm-to-School Receives $10,000 Grant to Purchase and Deliver Local Food for Area Food Pantries

NEWPORT, VTContact: Jessica Weston,, (802) 334-2044May 5, 2020Green Mountain Farm Direct (GMFD), a local food hub run by Green Mountain Farm-to-School (GMFTS), works to connect local farms with schools, restaurants, and institutions across Northern Vermont to [...]

Green Mountain Farm-to-School Receives $10,000 Grant to Purchase and Deliver Local Food for Area Food Pantries2020-05-12T18:50:12+00:00

#GivingTuesdayNow and Beyond – A Spring Fundraiser to Support GMFTS’s Response to COVID-19

#GivingTuesdayNow and Beyond - A Spring Fundraiser to Support GMFTS’s Response to COVID-19Here at Green Mountain Farm-to-School (GMFTS) we are encouraged by the resiliency of our community under such sudden and extraordinary pressures. We have seen so [...]

#GivingTuesdayNow and Beyond – A Spring Fundraiser to Support GMFTS’s Response to COVID-192020-05-04T19:14:30+00:00

GMFTS Finding New Ways to Support our Community

With Spring, there comes Hope ...and GARDENS! Dear GMFTS Family - in these times of uncertainty we are grateful to have you as our friends, partners, and supporters - - we are thinking of you and hope [...]

GMFTS Finding New Ways to Support our Community2020-04-14T16:32:33+00:00

An Update from Green Mountain Farm Direct Regarding COVID-19

Dear Farm Direct community, We would like to take this opportunity to update you on our operations during the COVID-19 outbreak. Green Mountain Farm Direct remains open and operational and we are dedicated to bringing you fresh, [...]

An Update from Green Mountain Farm Direct Regarding COVID-192020-03-23T15:09:57+00:00

Benefit Raffle: Win a Jay Peak Getaway!

Online sales for the raffle are now closed! Tickets may be purchased in-person at the 12th Annual Taste of the Kingdom until 8pm

Benefit Raffle: Win a Jay Peak Getaway!2020-02-26T17:45:12+00:00

GMFTS Helps Host Northeast Regional Farm to School Gathering at Canaan School

At Canaan School this past October, Green Mountain Farm-to-School (GMFTS) and the Center for an Agricultural Economy (CAE) hosted the Vermont Farm to School Network’s Regional Fall Gathering for the Northeast. The gathering served as a celebration [...]

GMFTS Helps Host Northeast Regional Farm to School Gathering at Canaan School2020-01-06T13:37:28+00:00

Farm Direct Engages in first Hub-to-Hub Transaction

In early December, Green Mountain Farm to School (GMFTS)’s local food hub, Green Mountain Farm Direct (GMFD), successfully engaged in it’s first hub-to-hub transaction in an effort to expand the product catalog for the holidays. GMFD is [...]

Farm Direct Engages in first Hub-to-Hub Transaction2019-12-27T20:31:39+00:00

GMFTS Welcomes Two New Staff Members

Green Mountain Farm-to-School (GMFTS) is happy to announce the arrival of two new additions to our team - Jessica Weston and Laurie Evans. Jessica joined in September as Communications and Development Coordinator, and Laurie joined in October [...]

GMFTS Welcomes Two New Staff Members2019-11-14T14:17:26+00:00

Local School Harvest Festivals are a Success!

NEWPORT, VT Contact: Jessica Weston,, (802) 334-2044 October 9, 2019 Did you know? October is National Farm to School Month! Green Mountain Farm To School (GMFTS) was excited to celebrate this occasion with the successful completion [...]

Local School Harvest Festivals are a Success!2019-10-09T15:14:38+00:00

GMFTS Coaches State Grant Recipients in Farm to School

In February 2019, Farm to School Program Manager, Maire Folan, began serving as a coach for the 2019 grantees of the Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food & Markets (VAAFM) Farm to School Program. The coaching support Folan [...]

GMFTS Coaches State Grant Recipients in Farm to School2019-08-29T15:35:16+00:00

Lunchbox sees 76% increase in free meals served

August 28, 2019 - NEWPORT, VT Between June 19th and August 15th, the Lunchbox food truck, a free summer meal site, served 3,219 free meals to kids and teens and sold 583 adult meals to community members [...]

Lunchbox sees 76% increase in free meals served2019-08-29T15:27:28+00:00

4th Biennial Northeast Kingdom Farm to School Conference

Thanks for your interest in our Farm to School Conference! We are postponing this year's conference to a later date. Please stay tuned for more details!

4th Biennial Northeast Kingdom Farm to School Conference2019-09-06T14:35:37+00:00

19 school gardens thrive through the summer

NEWPORT, VT - July 29, 2019 A cornerstone of Green Mountain Farm-to-School’s programming is the 19 school gardens we plant, maintain, and harvest with the help of five AmeriCorps Farm to School Coordinators. These school gardens provide [...]

19 school gardens thrive through the summer2019-07-31T15:59:07+00:00

The Children’s Literacy Foundation Brings Stories and Books to the Lunchbox

Contact: Sophie Westover 802 334 2044 [Newport, VT] — On Wednesday, July 10, 2019 from 10:30 AM – 11:30 AM at the Barton Public Library, children and teens are invited to a storytelling presentation and brand-new [...]

The Children’s Literacy Foundation Brings Stories and Books to the Lunchbox2019-07-02T18:25:08+00:00

2019 Summer Block Party Kicks off Summer

Green Mountain Farm-to-School (GMFTS) is hosting it’s 5th Summer Block Party in the Kingdom, a free community event, on June 20 from 3 PM to 6 PM at Gardner Park in Newport. The event marks the start [...]

2019 Summer Block Party Kicks off Summer2019-06-06T14:24:25+00:00

Lunchbox Returns with Summer Food Service Program

The Lunchbox, a summer meal program providing food education, is on the road again this season! Starting June 19th, the Lunchbox will be serving 10 weeks of free meals to kids 18 and under throughout the summer. [...]

Lunchbox Returns with Summer Food Service Program2019-05-30T20:01:41+00:00

GMFTS brings $68,000 worth of fresh produce to SNAP recipients

NEWPORT, VT - May 9, 2019 On April 30, Green Mountain Farm-to-School ended its fourth year of operating the Fresh Fruit & Vegetables Coupon Program, distributing $70,000 worth of coupons for fresh produce to residents of Essex [...]

GMFTS brings $68,000 worth of fresh produce to SNAP recipients2019-05-30T19:52:07+00:00

Join GMFTS for our 2nd Annual Giving Day!

Don’t see a level that works for you? No worries, give what you can, and we’ll be sure to put it to good use! Click here to give

Join GMFTS for our 2nd Annual Giving Day!2019-05-17T18:00:15+00:00

Production Planning: Bringing Harvest of the Month Foods to Cafeteria Plates

How three GMFTS programs - Green Mountain Farm Direct, Farm to School, and the Vermont Harvest of the Month - work together to increase the amount of fresh Vermont-grown foods on cafeteria plates. In 2009, GMFTS founded [...]

Production Planning: Bringing Harvest of the Month Foods to Cafeteria Plates2019-08-29T17:20:57+00:00

Keeping the ‘Farm’ in Farm to School

Farm to school programs at GMFTS focuses on experiential, hands-on learning that reaches across the cafeteria, classroom, and community. To learn more about why farm field trips are an important piece of this equation, we sat down [...]

Keeping the ‘Farm’ in Farm to School2019-05-15T20:29:53+00:00

GMFTS 2017-2018 Annual Report

Green Mountain Farm to School is pleased to share our 2017-2018 Annual Report with our community. Read the full report here.

GMFTS 2017-2018 Annual Report2019-05-02T17:33:40+00:00

Green Mountain Farm-to School to Honor School Lunch Heroes

School Lunch Hero Day is May 3, 2019 NEWPORT, Vermont – Green Mountain Farm-to-School (GMFTS) works with a variety of school nutrition staff at schools throughout the region. These professionals are critical to getting local food onto [...]

Green Mountain Farm-to School to Honor School Lunch Heroes2019-04-24T19:32:35+00:00

The ‘Coventry Shredders’ join the 12th Annual Jr. Iron Chef competition

By: Rachel Proctor April 9, 2019 NEWPORT, VERMONT- Four, sixth-grade students from Coventry Village School were proud to compete with 67 other Vermont schools at the 12th Annual Jr. Iron Chef competition hosted by Vermont Food Education [...]

The ‘Coventry Shredders’ join the 12th Annual Jr. Iron Chef competition2019-04-10T18:42:55+00:00

Employment Opportunity: AmeriCorps Farm to School Coordinator

Full Posting: GMFTS FTS Coordinator, 2019-2020 This position is part of the Lyndon Economic opportunity AmeriCorps Program (LEAP). LEAP is a national service program that places AmeriCorps members with non-profit organizations throughout the NEK of Vermont to [...]

Employment Opportunity: AmeriCorps Farm to School Coordinator2019-03-14T17:07:05+00:00

GMFTS & Jay Peak Resort hosts the 11th Annual Taste of the Kingdom

NEWPORT — The 11th Annual Taste of the Kingdom, a fundraising event held by Green Mountain Farm-to-School (GMFTS), will take place on February 27th at 6 p.m. at Jay Peak Resort’s Foeger Ballroom. Tickets are on sale [...]

GMFTS & Jay Peak Resort hosts the 11th Annual Taste of the Kingdom2019-02-19T20:07:19+00:00

GMFTS Benefit Raffle: Win a Jay Peak Getaway

Enter the Green Mountain Farm-to-School raffle for your chance to win a 2-night stay for 4 people in a Hotel Jay Suite – Lift Tickets, Waterpark, and Climb Time included! To purchase raffle tickets online, click the donate [...]

GMFTS Benefit Raffle: Win a Jay Peak Getaway2019-01-29T20:04:56+00:00

Irasburg Village School: Why Compost Matters

In 2013, lunchtime at Irasburg Village School (IVS) looked a lot different than it does today. Uneaten food and kitchen scraps went straight into trash cans, then on to landfills. The need for a composting program was [...]

Irasburg Village School: Why Compost Matters2019-01-04T18:51:37+00:00

GMFTS On-Farm Dinner connects the community to local farmers

NEWPORT, VT- October, 31, 2018 On Thursday, October 18th, an unseasonably cold day, 37 members of our community gathered for Green Mountain Farm-to-School’s 2018 Fall On-Farm Community Dinner at Morningstar Farm in Glover, Vermont. The event was [...]

GMFTS On-Farm Dinner connects the community to local farmers2018-11-07T16:07:45+00:00

Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Coupon Program increases access to healthy foods

For the fourth consecutive year, Green Mountain Farm-to-School is offering $60,000 in coupons for the purchase of fresh fruits and vegetables to the residents of Essex and Orleans counties enrolled in 3SquaresVT, also known as the Supplemental [...]

Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Coupon Program increases access to healthy foods2018-10-24T17:17:05+00:00

Celebrate National Farm to School Month in October

October is National Farm to School Month, a time to celebrate connections happening all over the country between schools, food, and local farmers! Farm to school enriches the connections communities have with fresh, healthy food and local [...]

Celebrate National Farm to School Month in October2018-10-10T15:48:13+00:00

Customer Spotlight: Craig Lorcano on 9 years with Farm Direct

Green Mountain Farm-to-School’s mission-driven food hub, Green Mountain Farm Direct (Farm Direct), is a reliable source for wholesale local food purchasing that is working to improve farm viability in the region. Last year, GMFD worked with 34 [...]

Customer Spotlight: Craig Lorcano on 9 years with Farm Direct2018-09-17T13:48:34+00:00

Lunchbox food truck works to fill summer nutrition gap

Green Mountain Farm-to-School’s mobile summer meal site, the Lunchbox food truck spent the summer out on the road again serving up free healthy, locally-sourced meals to our community. This year, the Lunchbox served 1,820 free meals to [...]

Lunchbox food truck works to fill summer nutrition gap2018-09-12T19:57:22+00:00

Farm to School Coordinators gear up for the coming school year

Farm field trips, taste tests, cooking lessons, harvest festivals, and soil science projects are just a few components of the hands-on education AmeriCorps Farm to School Coordinators provide to students across the region. We caught up with [...]

Farm to School Coordinators gear up for the coming school year2018-09-12T18:29:01+00:00

Communities gather for Harvest Festivals at local schools

For its tenth consecutive year, Green Mountain Farm-to-School will host Harvest Festivals with 11 Northeast Kingdom schools in celebration of local food, agriculture and healthy communities. Harvest Festivals are an opportunity for the community to gather around [...]

Communities gather for Harvest Festivals at local schools2018-09-11T18:59:39+00:00

GMFTS Giving Day raises over $30,000 to support programming

June 11, 2018 Green Mountain Farm-to-School (GMFTS) would like to extend its most sincere thank you to supporters of its first-ever Giving Day held on June 1, 2018. The day brought in over $20,000 in gifts, along [...]

GMFTS Giving Day raises over $30,000 to support programming2018-06-12T20:32:00+00:00
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