
EatingWell Helps Vermonters Celebrate Harvest of the Month

EatingWell, an award-winning national consumer magazine based out of Shelburne, Vt., has teamed up with Green Mountain Farm-to-School and Vermont Harvest of the Month to create and fund easy-to-use recipes and recipe booklets featuring each month’s celebrated harvest that will be used throughout the state to promote healthy, seasonal eating. Read More...

EatingWell Helps Vermonters Celebrate Harvest of the Month2016-04-29T13:53:24+00:00

Coupon Program Provides Fresh Produce for Vermonters

In September, Green Mountain Farm-to-School (GMFTS) began the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Coupon Program, a pilot program that allowed Orleans and Essex county residents participating in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, 3SquaresVT, to purchase an additional $75 of fresh fruits and vegetables through the end of February. Read More...

Coupon Program Provides Fresh Produce for Vermonters2016-04-15T18:54:14+00:00
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