Join Green Mountain Farm-to School on Social Media!
Take a photo or short video of your garden! Tell us how you celebrate VT’s agricultural heritage! Tag us
(Green Mountain Farm-to-School) in your post or post right onto our site and you’ll be entered to win!
Prizes: A cherry tomato plant in a big pot with nasturtium grown by GMFTS, a gift certificate to Inspired Yoga or Dusit Thai!
Please note: Everyone who participates will be entered to win. The drawing will be held on June 27, 2022, and the winner will be contacted through social media. If you want to be notified in a different way PM us.
Going on Now! How Do You Get Your Garden On? CONTEST!
Join Green Mountain Farm-to School on Social Media!
To participate find our Instagram here. Find our Facebook page here.
Coming up: We GMFTS June Giving Day Challenge
Happening now through June 6.
We have been challenged to raise $15,000 with $10,000 already pledged from a generous donor!
Help us reach our goal! Click HERE to donate today!