Press Contact
Shane Rogers
Communications and Development Coordinator | 802-334-2044
Vermont Farm-to-School Network Launches Legislative Campaign
The Vermont Farm to School Network is launching a campaign to encourage the state Legislature to support $500,000 in funding to expand access to farm-to-school programs in more Vermont schools, increase participation in child nutrition programs, and include childcare programs in Vermont farm-to-school.
“We are in the process of building support from community members by collecting supporter cards to send to legislators,” said Betsy Rosenbluth, project director, Vermont FEED (Food Education Every Day), in an email to the Network.
How to get involved:
- Fill out a card of support and help to collect cards from others who believe farm-to-school should be further funded in Vermont.
- Fill it out online(scroll to the bottom of the page)
- Print then scan and email to
- Print then mail to Vermont Farm to School, c/o PO Box 551, Montpelier, VT 05601.
- Sign-on to the campaign letter to show Vermont policy makers the broad range of support for farm to school expansion.
- Letter must be printed then scanned and emailed to
- Send letters to the editor to local papers in their area.
“As a community, it’s important we share with our legislators how important farm-to-school is to our kids and schools,” says James Hafferman, executive director, Green Mountain Farm-to-School, “I hope everyone will take a moment and support the campaign.”
For more information on Vermont Farm to School Network’s campaign to expand funding for farm-to-school throughout the state visit their website.