NEWPORT, VT- October, 31, 2018
On Thursday, October 18th, an unseasonably cold day, 37 members of our community gathered for Green Mountain Farm-to-School’s 2018 Fall On-Farm Community Dinner at Morningstar Farm in Glover, Vermont. The event was an opportunity to connect individuals with area farmers and celebrate the region’s vibrant local food economy. The event included a farm tour, free dinner, and dessert served from GMFTS’s Lunchbox food truck.
The evening began with guests sipping hot apple cider from Sunrise Orchards while touring Morningstar Farm with hosts Seth and Jeanette Johnson. The Johnsons shared the history of their organic dry bean and grain operation, demonstrating – among other things – how to operate a century old bean sorter, detailing the harvest process, and explaining their firm commitment to supporting Vermont’s local food economy.
“The farm tour provided me with a view into the farming world that frankly, I’ve been very far removed from,” explained guest Sophie Westover, “hearing Seth and Jeanette explain their harvesting process instilled a great appreciation for our state’s hardworking farmers and led me to think harder about where I source my food,” she explains.
Following the farm tour, guests were served free dinner and dessert from GMFTS’s Lunchbox food truck. Food-hub manager, Amrita Parry, and Outreach Coordinator, Jeyna Diallo, prepared a hearty chili and cornbread for guests, made with beans and grains from Morningstar Farm and vegetables donated by the Vermont Youth Conservation Corps and from local school gardens. To follow, guests enjoyed warm apple crisp with apples donated by Hall’s Orchards in Isle la Motte, topped with homemade whipped cream.
“We really wanted to highlight Green Mountain Farm Direct producers in the meal we served to the community,” explained Jeyna Diallo, “crafting a simple, yet healthful meal from start to finish using local ingredients demonstrates to the guests ways they can incorporate local foods into their diets and home cooking.”
Green Mountain Farm-to-School annually hosts On-Farm dinners at farms throughout the Northeast Kingdom. “Creating a space for our community to interact with Green Mountain Farm Direct producers is just one-way GMFTS is working to promote positive relationships between farms, schools, and communities,” says Amrita Parry, “these dinners are also a part of our integrated approach to changing the way people think about and eat food.”

Outreach Coordinator Jeyna Diallo serves a guest hot chili.