What is the AmeriCorps program?
AmeriCorps is a national service program that places individuals in a network of nonprofit community organizations and public agencies. These individuals, referred to as AmeriCorps members, commit their time and skills to provide direct service to these organizations.

AmeriCorps members are not volunteers. Volunteers are persons who give their time with no financial reward. Members receive a living allowance and an educational award for their service.

AmeriCorps members at GMFTS:

GMFTS annually hosts up to five AmeriCorps members serving through The Lyndon Economic opportunity AmeriCorps Program (LEAP) at Lyndon State College. LEAP members serve with educational non-profits and schools across the Northeast Kingdom. LEAP is funded through the State Commision Office in Montpelier, SerVermont. Members support GMFTS programming and also engage in educational and professional development opportunities through their experience in National Service.

Learn more about LEAP here.

Why are AmeriCorps members important to GMFTS?

AmeriCorps members begin their service year on September 1st, implementing farm-to-school programming in our partner schools through direct service. Known as AmeriCorps Farm-to-School Coordinators, members lead taste-tests, run workshops, facilitate farm field trips, and manage school gardens at a level GMFTS would otherwise be unable to financially support.

We are happy to host AmeriCorps members because we care about training the next generation of leaders for the farm to school and local food systems movements. GMFTS cannot ensure that all kids have healthy food and futures on our own; many people need to be mobilized in this effort across the country. We take our investment in AmeriCorps members seriously and are proud of what they have achieved.


Check out the impact the Lyndon Economic opportunity AmeriCorps Program (LEAP) is making in the Northeast Kingdom!

Mid Year Cumulative Infographic 2017-2018*

Q2 Infographic 2017-2018*

*based on LEAP member reporting, collected a created by the Lyndon Economic opportunity AmeriCorps Program (LEAP) at Lyndon State College